Gepost op: 18-11-2016
IDFA Industry Session
21 November 2016, 10:00, NH Carlton Paganini, Admission for all passholders
What is happening at a European level in terms of harmonizing authors’ rights laws? While new distribution models and VOD platforms are mushrooming, in many countries appropriate legislation to guarantee author royalties is a step behind. While filmmakers are making films, European collective management organizations are working to secure rights for the creators of these audiovisual works in the future. What does the single digital market concept mean for filmmakers? Cecile Despringre of the Society of Audiovisual Authors sets the scene on European legislation in a talk moderated by Martijn Winkler, president of the Dutch Directors Guild. Get yourself informed on this important issue!
November 21, 10:00-11:00 | Industry Office, E-floor
In collaboration with LaScam
Cécile Despringre studied International and European Law at the University of Paris I. Before helping create SAA in 2010, she was the CEO of FERA, the European network of film and TV directors’ associations, and prior to that worked for the French dramatic authors’ society SACD as Deputy Director for European Affairs and Trade Negotiations. SAA is the grouping of collective management organizations for audiovisual authors in Europe. Its 29 members from 22 countries manage authors’ rights and royalties for more than 120,000 cinema, TV and multimedia screenwriters and directors.
Martijn Winkler is a writer and director of films for theatrical, broadcast and online release. With his company VERTOV, he specializes in digital storytelling campaigns and has won numerous awards internationally. He is president of the Dutch Directors Guild, guest lecturer at various universities, contributor to leading tech blog Frankwatching, and is debuting with a novel, to be published by Atlas Contact in 2017.