VEVAM is the Dutch Collective Management Organisation (CMO) for film and television directors. VEVAM is a foundation representing approximately 2800 affiliated Dutch directors. The affiliated directors transfer certain exploitation rights and rights to equitable remuneration to VEVAM when signing an Affiliation Contract. VEVAM also represents foreign directors, on the basis of unilateral or reciprocal representation agreements concluded with foreign copyright societies. VEVAM collects and distributes remunerations for the use of audiovisual works, in particular with respect to the following exploitations.
The European Directive on satellite broadcasting and cable retransmission provides for the simultaneous, unaltered and unabridged retransmission by cable, that the cable operators have to obtain the authorization from all right holders of authors’ rights and neighbouring rights (authors, producers, performers, broadcasters), in the country where the act of retransmission occurs. Such rule is also incorporated within the Dutch Copyright Act. VEVAM provides for the necessary authorization to Dutch cable distributors and collects remunerations on behalf of film and television directors.
Since July 1, 2015, the Dutch Copyright Act has a new Article 45d paragraph 2 which specifically stipulates that, anyone who broadcasts a film work, or who has it broadcast, or – in short – offers channel packages to the public, owes a proportionate equitable remuneration to the principal director of the film. According to paragraph 3 of Article 45d such right to remuneration can be exercised exclusively by a CMO representing the interests of directors. On the basis of its mandate, VEVAM collects remunerations for film and television directors with the Dutch (cable) distributors and pays out the funds received to the directors of the respective programs.
Private copy
According to the Dutch Copyright Act it is allowed to make copies of protected works for personal use or study without the consent of the author, provided that the author receives an equitable compensation for such copies. The remunerations for private copying are collected by the Dutch Foundation Stichting de Thuiskopie, and part of these funds are distributed to VEVAM for payment to the relevant directors of audiovisual works.
Click here for more information.
Public Lending
Authors are entitled to receive a compensation for public lending of their works. The Dutch Foundation Stichting Leenrecht collects remunerations for the lending of protected works at public libraries and other lending institutions, and distributes part of these funds to VEVAM for payment to the relevant directors of audiovisual works.
Click here for more information.
VEVAM distributes all income according to Distribution Rules. VEVAM operates on a non-profit basis and the revenues generated from exploiting the authors rights is distributed in full to directors with deductions for social and/or cultural purposes and administrative costs.
The Board of VEVAM consists of five members, mainly directors, elected by the General Assembly. One boardmember is elected on recommendation of the directors association Dutch Directors Guild. For operational matters, VEVAM uses the services of CEDAR, a service centre working for several Dutch CMO´s, including the Dutch (screen)writers society LIRA. VEVAM is member of VOICE, a branch association for CMO´s in The Netherlands.
VEVAM is affiliated with CISAC and one of the founding members of the Society of Audiovisual Authors (SAA). SAA is an association of European Collective Management Societies representing audiovisual authors.
Sylvia Brandsteder – Director General
Talitha van Hattem – Team manager
Board of Directors
Willem Roos – Chairman
Jan Piet Paap
Stella van Voorst van Beest
Suzanne Raes
Henk van Engen
Office address:
Stichting VEVAM
CEDAR – Transpolis
Polarisavenue 81
2132 JH Hoofddorp
The Netherlands
Phone: +31 (0) 23-8700211
Postal address:
PO Box 3060
2130 KB Hoofddorp
The Netherlands